
Who are you.....Really

Greatness Gets Real
with Mattison Grey


Do the Impossible

Who do you really want to be?

High Performers are always looking at what is next. Trouble is, their relative success often overshadows what is keeping them from their absolute best.

The truth is you can Be, Do and Have anything and everything you want. The difficulty with that truth is most of us can't even imagine how great we can be. Your greatness is the part of you that you cannot see. You know it is there. Every once and a while you get a glimpse of it. You can feel it, but you cannot see it. In this course you will look your greatness squarely in the eye and finally see yourself for who you really are. Once you see it, then you can take it on, and BE it, once and for all.

Everyone has greatness in them,
but there is something else in there too,
and it keeps that greatness just out of reach

This is not a coaching seminar. This is a High Performance Training that takes you to the most exciting place available to any human being - into your brilliance and outside of your own self deception. It will be challenging, possibly to the point of offensive. That is what it takes to get you past who you think you should be to find who you really are and what you are really here to do.

In life and business, if you have a clear perception of reality, who you are, what impossible things you are here to accomplish, you have a tremendous advantage. You can get what you want, be who you want and do what you want instead of doing what you think you want, being what others expect and doing only what you think you are meant to do. By becoming ruthless about this you can bring your brilliance to the world and get amazing value in return.

Kind of like this

Be who you really are.

Imagine the impossible.

Do your brilliance.

Become the real you.

When you do you will have access to the amazing life you yearn for.

Don't be fooled. This is going to challenging, grueling, and offensive but it will also be fun, funny, and most of all life changing, if you show up.

Vision and Value - Houston
December 30 10am-6pm
Get more info HERE

Main Event - Outside of Houston
February 19 5pm-10pm
February 20 9am-10pm
February 21 10am-6pm or later
Price includes training, food and 2 nights lodging
Also included are elements from our Advanced Coaching and Communication Course
Venue Rancho Nia Montgomery Texas

Final Event - Houston
April 9 10am-6pm

All 3 events - 5 days of awesome training Save $300 $2795 Register Here
Need a payment plan? We can make that work. Click here.

Out of town clients may attend just the main event for $2495 Register Here

Vision and Value is open to anyone

The Main and Final Events are open to former or current clients or by special exception. Clients from around the world are welcome.
The Main Event will also include some Elements from our Advanced Coaching and Communication Course

If you are not current or former client and would like to attend, contact Mattison Grey for an application.