
The Olympics are Coming!

The Olympics are Coming! The Olympics are Coming!

Ever four years an amazing thing happens. The highest performers in the world of sport gather to compete. Even if you are not a sports fan you have to appreciate what it takes for these men, women children and a 41 year old women (see video below) to become the best in the world in their chosen vocation.

I am a huge sports fan, but more interestingly I am student of high performance. I am fascinated by the intricacies of it all. How does one person excel and another never even get to the starting line. With all the technology and training advances what separates first from second. At that level everyone has access to essentially the same resources. What makes the difference?

This is what makes sport so compelling, and what this blog is about. What can we, as mere mortals, learn from the Olympics about High Performance, Goal Achievement, dealing with disappointment and with elation.

Stay tuned. It is sure to be interesting stuff